Product Discontinued. Ongoing future customer support and service parts will be made available for existing customers. The Deluxe-90 is a pneumatic turning target actuator that rotates corrugated cardboard and plastic targets backers. Targets are rotate in just two-tenths of a second giving trainers the ability to accurately begin and end qualification and timed drills. The Deluxe-90 is so efficient that it is used as the official target system for the Midway USA and NRA Bianchi Cup Barricade and Practical shooting events.

Fast Target Turning


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Turns paper and cardboard targets from face to edge and back to face.


Targets turn in a blazing two-tenths of a second, faster than the eye can process.


Engineered to resist damage from errant rounds and protect shooters from splatter.


Targets may be controlled individually or simultaneously.


Able to be used in both indoor and outdoor conditions and most climates.


Integrates with our range control software for advanced features and functionality.

The internal pneumatic actuator is able to turn a target faster than your brain can process. This ensures that during training or competition all shots are taken within the desired time limits.

The Deluxe-90 is self armored which means that it can be installed free standing on a range without a knee wall or other protective barrier.

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