Category: Commercial Shooting Ranges

How-to install, replace and transport the BCS Deluxe 20

Action Target’s Deluxe 20 Bullet Collection System is the latest innovation in collecting bullets for recycling. The system attaches to the bottom of the Total Containment Trap™ deceleration chamber to collect bullets into 20-gallon drums. The drums can then simply unlatch from the chamber and roll out of place quickly and easily.

Below you will find a video 4 step process of installation, replacement and how to transport the barrels.


Step 1: Remove the Drum of the BCS Deluxe 20

Step 2: Use a Gantry Crane to Transport a Drum to a Recycling Pallet

Step 3: Use a Barrel Hawk Lift to Transport the 20 Gallon Drum to a Recycling Pallet

Step 4: Replace the Drum of the BCS Deluxe 20