Category: AT Short Article

Eliminating Lead in Indoor Ranges (Part One)

Written by Clark Vargas

The significant source of particulate lead in an indoor range is the ammunition used. There are four ways lead is generated in the shooting range.

The first and worst, also because of particle size, is the primer that starts the powder ignition. It contains the chemical lead styphnate and other heavy metals that insure a proper and reliable ignition.

The second, and second worst, because of particle size, is the lead burn of the lead bullet tail of jacketed ammunition. The hot propelling gases result in atomization of molecular lead possibly the most dangerous because of great gas volumes if in haled because of range eddy currents.

The third is the lead particles spiting out of revolvers and barrel friction on all firearms. It results in varying size lead particles downrange of the firing line on the floor. The lead will be picked up by shoes and tracked elsewhere, where they may or may not be ingested.

The fourth method, and the one that generates up to 95% of the particulate lead, is the lead bullet collision with the so commonly used, “hard” 30° to 45° incline steel traps.

It is just not prudent any longer to simply design hard steel bullet traps unless “tracer ammunition” is going to be used for machine gun training.

Just by changing the projectile to totally encapsulated copper jacketed projectiles, it produces a 97% reduction in lead particulate when compared to using solid lead bullets. The use then of both lead-free primers and totally encapsulated projectiles results in airborne lead being totally, eliminated at the firing lines and breathing zone.

Military and law enforcement are the high consumers of ammunition and will still continue to utilizes jacketed bullets with lead primers for some time to come. The many calibers of ammunition used and trained with are, the 9mm, .38, .357, .45 calibers, 5.56mm and 7.62x51mm. 12ga slugs and double ought buck. Ammunition comes from a variety of manufacturers.

Although lead-primed, jacketed ammunition is the standard, it won’t be long before reliable non-lead primers become the new standard, along with totally encapsulated lead projectiles.

Hard bullet traps are the major reason, as much as 95% of for the unintended generation, of lead in dust and waste streams in firing ranges. Most existing bullet traps terminate the bullets energy with a metal to metal hard collision generating heat, lead slatter and fragments and dust.

Softer termination schemes such as the 12° to 17° dry or wet funnel type traps with deceleration chamber and/or swirl chamber or snails are much gentler and produce no dust.

There are three antiquated metal bullet traps most common and still in use today; the escalator type, the venetian blind type and a “pit and plate” type. Each of these type backstops has advantages and disadvantages, however the net results remain the same: hard impacting lead projectiles on hard steel, causes extreme fragmentation of the lead and production of lead dust. Gene Fabian reported in 1996 that a full 20% of the lead bullet weight shot downrange on hard steel backstops do not end up as large enough lead pieces that can be recycled. A full 20% of the lead turns to small fragments, powder and molecular lead not captured in the trap. It ends up as settled dust or in the bag house. Downrange contamination becomes the major reason that hazardous conditions have resulted in firing ranges. Unless, these steel bullet traps are frequently maintained and HEPA vacuumed, lead dust accumulates to the point that it becomes stirred each time the ventilation system is used. It has been observed that human overexposure in such cases can occur even in the absence of shooting.

The major improvement over the antiquated steel traps discussed above are the soft traps of 30° and less angle plate dry or wet funnel type bullet traps. The collision is a lot softer on projectiles since bullets impact the plates at a 12 to 17 degrees or less incline and slide into a swirl or deceleration chamber. Any dust that is produced can purportedly be vacuumed by an exhaust fan and directed to a filter chamber or washed into a water oil mixture.

Two problems can occur with the dry-funnel design. The first is, the shooting range is designed as a negative pressure room that can easily overcome the bullet traps aspiration fan capacity and may result in lead dust settling in the range room anyway.

The second problem that occurs is that over the life of the trap, lead smearing will occur even with jacketed and hollow point ammunition. When the range is finally closed, all the steel will have to be disposed of as hazardous waste or cleaned.

Because of the concern for lead dust generation at steel bullet traps, the bullet trap manufacturers have made efforts to do research and develop new traps. In 1989, Ron Coburn designed a funnel trap utilizing water and oil film on the impact plates to totally eliminate the dust generation from the projectiles impact on the steel impact plates. Although very effective in reducing downrange contamination, it is believed to increase long-term maintenance cost. Cost, due to the creation and the recovery and disposal of a hazardous water oil waste, increase in humidity and clogging of the recirculating system with paper bits. That has made it difficult for designers to fully accept this method as being the answer to bullet traps. However, it has promise aesthetically. Increased (oil/water) humidity in the range, we are told by users, makes the range seem slippery and paper pieces in the water that make it a past the screens stops flow and burns out the pumps.

Probably the closest to desirable to date of the soft traps that works best are the low volume shooting chopped rubber traps. These bullet traps capture projectiles intact and allow for full recovery without generating a mixed waste stream. The bullet trap is constructed on a concrete sloped floor or preferably with a steel support frame and a soft rubber sheet front, which allows all bullets to penetrate intact 4 to 6 inches into the matrix. The space created between the steel and rubber sheet is filled with pieces of recycled rubber tire sidewalls. Bullets pierce the front rubber sheet and then the square rubber pieces stop the bullet intact through friction by about 6” deep from the surface. The bullets and the rubber pieces are periodically extracted from the bottom through a slide gate fully intact, ready for recycling. The trap must be recycled monthly to preclude the hard armorizing packing of the rubber surfaced with lead. Once every 18 months or so, the rubber must be shoveled out and a complete sifting must be done. These traps can also catch fire so a fire retardant is added to eliminate that condition. If these traps, which are labor intensive, are not maintained they wouldn’t work as intended.

Tests performed on soft rubber traps reveal that there are no lead emissions generated at the trap; furthermore, the rubber pieces do not exhibit a hazardous characteristic for lead under the RCRA TCLP definition. The rubber material can be reused for the life of the trap and not result as a hazardous waste upon closure.

The choice of bullet trap also very much affects the ventilation design and cost. Rubber traps require two (2) stage filtration and steel backstops require three (3) stage filtration. Both require HEPA filtration as the last filter.

LEO’s need to train with their carry ammunition. In my opinion, round nose totally encapsulated ammunition introduced in the 1960’s or jacketed hollow point with no lead primers fit that bill, both at economic prices. They are fully equivalent, ballistically to any of the duty ammo. That is what I recommend in my designs.

Ammunition manufacturers have taken the initiative but perhaps sometimes in the wrong direction, at the behest of the Federal Government over the last 12 years, to research lead-free bullets and lead-free primers. “Green ammunition” is the result.

“Lead free bullets”, the “Green Ammunition” are the politically correct, all encompassing terminology applied that does not offer much definitive information on how to solve the problem. Green ammunition includes zinc ammunition, frangible copper ammunition, solid copper ammunition, soft nose zinc ammunition, jacketed wound zinc ammunition and jacketed tungsten ammunition, etc. Each provides alternatives for trap and ventilation design but does not eliminate the recycle problem and each has unintended consequences. Bullets manufactured out of non-lead ingredients appear to pose less of a risk to humans, when the ammunition also incorporates lead free primers, but pose equal or greater risk to the environment than the lead munitions.

None of the metals used for “green ammunition”, when out of place, are environmentally benign. For example sintered copper bullets the one “green bullet” out of the bunch, which still seems viable turns to fine powder upon impact with the trap or steel target. The fine copper now has to be collected and recycled in its entirety or environmental problems will result. Copper acts is a fungicide and is detrimental to marine organism larvae.

When zinc projectiles are used and are shot into existing lead deposits, the value of the lead deposit goes to zero since that deposit can no longer then be recycled. It must now be disposed of as hazardous waste. We also understand that shortly wound zinc projectiles will no longer be manufactured. How many recyclable lead deposits on ranges have been ruined and are now hazardous waste, because zinc bullets were used?

(This article continues in next week’s newsletter)

Clark Vargas is a professional engineer and President of a successful 23-year-old civil/environmental engineering firm and has designed more than 30 shooting ranges in Florida, New York, Virginia, Tennessee and Kansas. He also is President of the Florida Sport Shooting Association, the NRA’s official state association. He shoots conventional and international pistol competitively and has been invited to shoot for the U.S. Pistol Team try-outs. Mr. Vargas is Past President of the Gateway Rifle and Pistol Club, a 2,200-family member shooting club in Jacksonville, Florida, an endowment member of the NRA, and the NRA’s 1999 Achievement in Range Development Marlin R. Scarborough Award recipient.

(NOTE: Action Target has republished this article in its entirety with the permission of the author.  Ideas, comments, practices, recommendations, etc. are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent those of Action Target. Our line of indoor range products, which include our steel Total Containment and rubber traps, ventilation and dust collection meet and/or exceed all of Mr. Vargas’ recommendations/conclusions.)

Knoxville’s New Shoothouse

AT Provides Shoothouse for Knoxville Police Action Target would like to announce the newly completed Live-Fire Shoothouse for Knoxville Police Department, Tennessee! Located at Knoxville PD’s outdoor training facility, this project is the latest addition to what is already a very impressive training site, including an outdoor firing range, simulation rooms, and driving track.

A special thanks goes to Knoxville PD Sgt. Keith Debow, City and State Officials, Chris Rutledge at MBI Architects, Project Manager – Chet Carbaugh with Richardson Turner Construction, Action Target Great Lakes Territory Manager – Jason Snell, Action Target Project Manager – Mark Ostebo, and many others for a job will done!

Action Target Installs Shoothouse and CatwalkEquipment provided and installed by Action Target includes the following:

  • 1200 sq. ft., rifle-rated, live-fire Shoothouse
  • 2 Breach Doors
  • Portable Bullet Traps
  • Catwalk

Congratulations to Knoxville PD and all those involved!

If you are in the Great Lakes area, please contact the Territory Manager, Jason Snell, otherwise visit our contact page to find the territory manager for your area:

AT Contact Jason Snell with Map801-377-8033 ext. 158
801-809-6966 cell
[email protected]

Action Target on YouTube

Just a little over a year ago, we started seeing orders to our online store with comments related to a YouTube video about our steel targets. Such comments included, “I saw your target on the Nutnfancy Channel and I had to have one,” and, “You [PT Practice Stand] received a great review from Nutnfancy.” Since nobody here at Action Target had placed a video on YouTube, we investigated to find out who Nutnfancy was and what was being said about our target. The Nutnfancy Project (TNP) was what we discovered.

The first video about our  was a huge success. So, we thought it would be a great idea to invite TNP to our main office and manufacturing facility in Provo, Utah to show his viewers where and how the PT Practice Stand is cut, fabricated, packaged, inventoried and shipped. It was our pleasure to host TNP and the result of that visit was a 36 minute video and narrated tour of the entire production plant, which was also posted on YouTube. His video gives all viewers a great background on Action Target and reveals the inner workings of our manufacturing facility.

Here is some information about Nutnfancy:

Nutnfancy’s Profile (as of this writing):

  • Channel Views: 6,666,577
  • Total Upload Views: 39,839,145
  • Style: Educational
  • Joined: July 09, 2006
  • Subscribers: 82,834

Nutnfancy Channel

“Welcome to The Nutnfancy Project or TNP. I am an INDEPENDENT reviewer of “dangerous things” like knives, guns, tac gear, and other stuff I dig. I also review a variety of outdoor equipment. My focus is on high quality stuff that I like, that lasts, and delivers exceptional service for the price paid. I believe all gear should be systems based, integrating into a “Philosophy of Use” (POU) that has been planned by the user. I have provided several foundational videos that discuss these POUs with the gear. My primary charter at TNP is a consumer advocate for my valued subscribers and I steer them towards the good deals and good dealers. As TNP continues to grow, this commitment will not change… only the ways I can best achieve it.

“My reviews are based on my own varied experiences but admittedly I am not the end-all expert. My reviews are based in logic and experience but also my own preferences. This provides a rudder to TNP as I steer us through the maze of many gear options. I may miss stuff here and there but hopefully my vids show the well-reasoned logic and experience that form their foundation. I never rest with my own “systems” either; always striving for perfection when technology provides advancements. Also I’m always learning from my subscribers who are smart in their own gear applications.

About Me:

“Each video represents my views at the time it was made. I am always striving to improve the accuracy, entertainment value, fun level, and quality of my videos.

“Gear reviews are the basis of TNP. But along they way I show many outdoors adventures with the TNP Crew. I encourage defense of good people, our freedoms, making good memories with family and friends, investing your time wisely, and being responsible.

MY INTENDED AUDIENCE FOR TNP: Targeted towards Law Enforcement and Military, my reviews are also intended for responsible civilians too and I fully support the concept of an armed, free people. I also acknowledge and thank my audiences around the world that sadly do not enjoy our freedoms in the US.

WHO IS NUTNFANCY?: US Military, 19 yrs and counting. I keep these associations and the specifics vague for MANY valid reasons (death threats). But they are real and not made up as people have discovered.

THE NUTNFANCY MISSION: To have fun and to help good people around the world learn about quality gear and not get ripped off. I enjoy helping cops, pilots, soldiers, and good citizens everywhere navigate the bewildering array of offerings and disinformation about it all. I will help you zone in on the good stuff and the good suppliers. I also like to encourage responsible and wise use of these items in the defense of good people. I encourage political activity to preserve our freedoms. I’m not trying to be better than anyone else, act like my opinion is the best, be a poser, be Superman, save the world, invent the cure for cancer, or act like the expert of experts. I’m just doing my thing, sharing my takes, having fun, and keeping it real. My promise to my subscribers is to keep my critiques real, honest, and as accurate despite the hater, hyena, and brand myopic flak.

“THE ITEMS: The majority of items reviewed are NOT mine as I have several professional and retail sources for them.

DEATH THREATS: Yep these exist against me and my family (graphic ones)…punishment for TNP’s success I guess. I remain focused on the positive message of TNP and remain focused on serving my subscribers with cool adventures, quality information, and realness. I thank my TNPrs for the support against these unfounded criticisms and possessed critics that let Verilioness and myself move TNP forward!

“REVIEW REQUESTS: I get thousands of these but will only be able to do some of them. Some items are just hard to get and others I just don’t care for and it would just be a negative review. Also this is just a hobby for me (can you believe it?!) and as such I try to keep it fun..

“RESPONDING TO COMMENTS AND PMs: The demands of my real jobs and keeping the TNP going often prevent my replies to your messages. Most of my edited videos take 1 to 3 days to create. I do this in between my military, other job, friend, and family commitments. Moreover I am constantly engaged in my own gear projects which I usually share with you in video form. Yes I’m maxed out but I have a strong work ethic and will continue to produce hundreds of more videos full of adventure, fun, good times, and useful information. But answering the PMs sadly takes a backseat to this production priority. I strive now to answer more Channel Page Comments so others may benefit from the discussion. I will give video updates on the Project every quarter!

“THE FUTURE: I have several imitators on YouTube that use my exact reviewing style, gear mix, and verbiage as they try to duplicate TNP on their own YT Channel. That is flattering but I doubt anyone will ever duplicate the breadth, personality, and heart of TNP. Also TNP will grow bigger as time goes on and I will use that clout for you to get good gear at good prices. I am humbled by the popularity of TNP but it will never go to my head. I remained focused on the TNP mission of realness in gear assessments, fun, the preservation of liberty, and promoting and protecting the good things in life.

“YOUR SUPPORT: BIG THANKS for clicking on my advertisers which support the TNP. I thank them too for supporting us! That revenue goes to gear acquisition for reviews and helps preserve my independence. Thanks for your nice comments, the good ratings, slapping down the dummies for their stupid and sometimes hateful comments, and especially the subscriptions as this feedback encourages me to make more.

“FREEDOM: Patriots belong in the NRA. Please join and keep membership current.

“The Nutnfancy Way: “It’s not about following the crowd, but about creating the path that the crowd will follow.” -LJ Garcia ///TNP LLC”

For Nutnfancy’s Practice Target video, click here.

For Nutnfancy’s video of his visit to Action Target, click here.

Chicago’s Gun Ordinance

Action Target Suppots Second Ammendment FoundationRecently, Action Target joined the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) in filing a lawsuit in federal court against the City of Chicago’s new gun ordinance. The lawsuit asserts that the city is depriving its residents of their right to keep and bear arms by banning public gun ranges while at the same time requiring range training for handgun owners. Action Target’s decision to enter this lawsuit was given much consideration prior to taking action.

If you would like to read Action Target’s Press Release regarding this lawsuit, please visit our media page.

New Partnership with Hufcor, Inc.

As an industry leader in providing affordable, effective and relative training solutions, we have partnered with Hufcor, Inc. to offer their FlexTact movable wall training system with our other line of products. This system is currently for non-live fire training. Since non-live fire training can really be conducted anywhere, what is so great about this system? It’s simple.

The system can be completely be reconfigured within minutes. For example, in a matter of a few minutes, you can transform your office scenario to a warehouse then into a residential setting. If you need to serve a high risk warrant and want to realistically structure your breach training, the physical layout of the residence can be duplicated with the FlexTact system.

Hufcor, Inc. and Action Target have entered into an exclusive sales agent agreement to represent the FlexTact® moveable wall systems to markets throughout the world. FlexTact® training systems are only available from Action Target to the commercial, military and law enforcement communities. The FlexTact system compliments our core expertise in live fire ranges and shoot houses such as the Modular Armored Tactical Combat House (M.A.T.C.H.) live fire structure.

The FlexTact system employs the following:

  • Rugged 16 ga. welded steel frames resist impacts
  • High Pressure Laminate surfaces are easy to clean and resist impacts
  • Quickset bottom seals hold walls in place during exercises
  • Overhead architectural aluminum tracks allow panels to move smoothly and quickly into place
  • Side bulb seals allow panels to be configured quickly
  • Specially designed passdoors for entry exercises
  • Optional window inserts and glass walls panels for diversified training scenarios

“Our strength is our 25 year experience within the law enforcement and military firing range and shooter supply markets and the various sales channels that are present within these markets. We are not operable partition experts by any means. We understand the intricacies of our niche, not on how to install tracks and panel systems. By combining our companies’ reputations we truly have an unstoppable combination for selling reconfigurable simunitions shoot houses,” said Jerrod Kermath, with Action Target’s Office of Market Development.

For additional information on FlexTact, please visit our shoothouse page or contact your area’s Territory Manager by clicking here.