AT Rimfire Sport Dueling Tree
Nutnfancy recently posted a video review of Action Target’s Rimfire Sport Dueling Tree. Just like our full-size Dueling Tree
, the Rimfire Dueling Tree has six steel plates that spin to the other side of the target when hit, allowing you to shoot all day without going downrange once to setup or reset the target. Nutnfancy explains how the Rimfire Dueling Tree provides the fun and excitement of a dueling tree with ammo that costs a fraction of the price! Click the video thumbnail to watch now.
About Nutnfancy
Nutnfancy is a Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Air Force, a popular YouTube product reviewer, and a long-time user of Action Target products.
Have totally agree with his assessment. You will not find a better product for the money anywhere. It’s perfect for .22 but truly will handle 9mm without even minor denting. It’s hard to appreciate just how solid these are until you get your hands on one but I promise your first thoughts will be This is quality”