AR550 Steel Targets: Durable and Dependable

What is AR550 Steel?

AR550 steel stands as a pinnacle of durability and resilience in the world of shooting range targets. It’s a high-strength, abrasion-resistant steel alloy with a Brinell hardness rating of 550, indicating exceptional resistance to wear and deformation. AR550 steel is specifically engineered to withstand the impact of high-caliber ammunition, making it a top choice for shooting range targets, armor plating, and various industrial applications.

Shop AR550 Steel Targets

Why is AR550 Steel Important?

AR550 steel is crucial for shooting range targets due to its unparalleled toughness. Its ability to withstand repeated impacts from bullets ensures longevity and safety on the range. This durability translates into cost-effectiveness, as targets made from AR550 steel require less frequent replacement, reducing overall maintenance expenses. Additionally, its reliability fosters a safer shooting environment, preventing dangerous ricochets and ensuring a consistent shooting experience for both novice shooters and seasoned professionals.

When Should I Use AR550 Steel at My Shooting Range?

AR550 steel should be your go-to choice for shooting range targets, especially in high-volume and high-caliber shooting environments. Whether you’re operating a professional law enforcement training facility or a recreational shooting range, AR550 steel targets guarantee longevity and safety. They are ideal for rifle and pistol training, providing shooters with immediate, audible feedback upon impact. Use AR550 steel targets during regular training sessions, competitions, and tactical drills to enhance marksmanship skills and promote a secure shooting atmosphere.

AR550 Steel and Action Target

At Action Target, we elevate your shooting experience with the unmatched durability of AR550 steel. Our cutting-edge target systems are crafted from premium AR550 steel, ensuring superior performance and longevity. By integrating AR550 steel into our targets, we provide shooters with reliable, precise, and consistent feedback, enhancing the training and practice of marksmanship. Action Target’s commitment to quality and innovation shines through in our AR550 steel targets, setting new industry standards and ensuring a world-class shooting experience for all.

Shop AR550 Steel

AR550 Steel: Unveiling Durability in Shooting Range Targets | Action Target

Explore Cutting-Edge Range Systems by Action Target

What are Range Systems?

Range systems encompass a wide array of equipment and technologies designed to enhance the shooting experience. These systems include target retrieval mechanisms, automated scoring systems, safety features, and advanced training tools. Range systems include all essential components of modern shooting facilities, ensuring seamless operation, precise target control, and enhanced safety protocols.

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Why are Range Systems Important?

Range systems are crucial for optimizing the shooting experience for enthusiasts, law enforcement professionals, and military personnel. Advanced target retrieval systems allow shooters to customize their training scenarios, providing a dynamic and engaging environment. Automated scoring systems enhance accuracy and provide immediate feedback, enabling shooters to track their progress effectively, especially when coupled with our premium paper shooting targets. Moreover, integrated safety features within range systems help prevent accidents, ensuring a secure environment for everyone on the range.

When Should I Implement Range Systems at My Shooting Range?

Implementing range systems is essential for both new shooting range constructions and existing facilities aiming to upgrade their offerings. Whether you’re opening a commercial shooting range, managing a law enforcement training center, or operating a private shooting club, integrating cutting-edge range systems should be a top priority. These systems create a more interactive, enjoyable, and safe shooting experience, attracting shooters of all levels and interests.

Action Target’s Range Systems Lead Shooting Range Technology

At Action Target, we are at the forefront of developing innovative range systems that set new industry standards. Our range systems are designed to provide exceptional user experiences, combining precision, reliability, and safety. From advanced target retrievers to interactive shooting scenarios and sophisticated automation, our range systems transform traditional shooting into an immersive and dynamic activity.

When you choose Action Target’s range systems, you’re investing in state-of-the-art technology and expertise. Our team works closely with shooting range owners and operators, customizing solutions to meet specific requirements and objectives. With Action Target, you can revolutionize your shooting range, attract a diverse audience, and offer an unparalleled shooting experience that keeps enthusiasts coming back for more. Experience the future of shooting with Action Target’s cutting-edge range systems.

Elevate Your Shooting Experience: Exploring Cutting-Edge Range Systems by Action Target

What is a Rubber Berm Trap?

What is a Rubber Berm Trap?

A rubber berm trap is an innovative and environmentally friendly bullet containment system used in shooting ranges. Unlike traditional backstops, rubber berm traps utilize a combination of rubber granules and specialized ballistic materials to safely capture and contain bullets fired by shooters. The design allows for bullets to penetrate the rubber surface, gradually decelerating them until they come to a complete stop within the trap. This unique approach significantly reduces the risk of ricochets and ensures a safe shooting environment.

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Why are Rubber Berm Traps Important?

Rubber berm traps are essential for shooting range safety due to their superior bullet containment capabilities. They minimize the potential for lead dust and other harmful materials to become airborne, significantly reducing health risks for shooters and range staff. Additionally, rubber berm traps offer easy maintenance and lead reclamation, making them both cost-effective and environmentally responsible. Their ability to handle a wide range of calibers and projectile types makes them suitable for various shooting activities, from recreational shooting to law enforcement training.

When Should I Use a Rubber Berm Trap at My Shooting Range?

Rubber berm traps are ideal for all types of shooting ranges, especially indoor facilities where proper bullet containment and environmental safety are paramount. Whether you’re constructing a new shooting range or upgrading an existing backstop, opting for a rubber berm trap is a smart choice. Their efficiency, safety features, and eco-friendly design make them a preferred option for shooting range owners and operators who prioritize both user safety and environmental sustainability.

Rubber Berm Traps and Action Target

At Action Target, we lead the industry in providing cutting-edge rubber berm traps that redefine shooting range safety. Our traps are engineered to meet the highest standards of performance and durability. When you choose Action Target’s rubber berm traps, you’re investing in a solution that not only ensures the safety of everyone at your shooting range but also reflects your commitment to environmental responsibility.

Our team of experts collaborates closely with shooting range owners, architects, and operators to create customized rubber berm trap solutions tailored to specific needs. With Action Target, you can transform your shooting range into a haven of safety, precision, and sustainability. Experience the future of shooting range safety by partnering with Action Target and embracing the superior technology of rubber berm traps.

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Shooting Range Safety Redefined: Exploring Rubber Berm Traps with Action Target

What is a Dueling Tree Target?

What is a Dueling Tree Target?

A dueling tree target is a specialized shooting target designed to enhance marksmanship skills and promote friendly competition. It consists of a vertical pole with several arms or paddles attached. The paddles are typically arranged in a circular manner, resembling the branches of a tree. Shooters engage the dueling tree target by striking the paddles, causing them to swing to the opposite side of the pole. The objective is to move all the paddles to one side faster than your opponent, creating an engaging and interactive shooting experience.

Shop Action Target Dueling Trees

Why is Dueling Tree Target Important?

Dueling tree targets offer several crucial benefits for marksmanship training. First and foremost, they improve accuracy and speed, requiring shooters to make precise and rapid shots to move the paddles effectively. This fosters a high level of concentration and focus, crucial skills for real-life shooting scenarios. Secondly, dueling tree targets promote friendly competition among shooters, adding an element of fun and camaraderie to the training session. This competitive edge motivates shooters to improve their skills and strive for better performance.

When Should I Use Dueling Tree Target at My Shooting Range?

Dueling tree targets are perfect for a variety of shooting scenarios. They are excellent for competitive shooting events, where participants can compete against each other in timed challenges. Additionally, dueling tree targets are valuable tools for training sessions focused on speed and accuracy and make a great addition to any range with steel shooting targets. They can be utilized in law enforcement and military training to simulate engaging multiple targets swiftly and efficiently. Incorporating dueling tree targets into shooting range activities adds excitement and variety to the training regimen, making sessions both challenging and enjoyable.

Dueling Tree Target and Action Target

At Action Target, we understand the importance of dynamic and engaging marksmanship training. Our dueling tree targets are crafted with precision and durability, ensuring a reliable and realistic shooting experience. With innovative designs and high-quality materials, Action Target’s dueling tree targets provide shooters with the perfect platform to enhance their accuracy, speed, and competitiveness. By incorporating our dueling tree targets into your training sessions, you can elevate your marksmanship skills, promote healthy competition, and enjoy a challenging and rewarding shooting experience.

Shop Action Target Dueling Trees

Mastering Precision: Unveiling Dueling Tree Targets with Action Target

What is Frangible Ammo?

What is Frangible Ammo?

Frangible ammo refers to specialized bullets designed with a unique construction that breaks apart upon impact with hard surfaces. Unlike traditional lead or jacketed bullets, frangible bullets are typically made from compressed powder or metal particles held together by a binding agent. When the bullet strikes a target, it disintegrates into fine powder, reducing the risk of ricochets and minimizing the potential for overpenetration.

Image credit: NRA Shooting Illustrated

Why is Frangible Ammo Important?

Frangible ammo is crucial for both safety and precision shooting. Its ability to disintegrate upon impact significantly reduces the risk of ricochets, making it safer for shooters and bystanders on the range. Additionally, frangible ammo is designed for close-quarters training where overpenetration could pose a significant safety hazard. Frangible bullets are also used in steel target shooting, as they minimize damage to the targets, prolonging their lifespan and ensuring consistent training experiences.

When Should I Use Frangible Ammo at My Shooting Range?

Frangible ammo is ideal for a range of shooting scenarios, each requiring specific safety considerations and precision. It is particularly important in indoor shooting ranges. In these environments, the confined space not only increases the risk of ricochets but also amplifies noise levels. Frangible ammo, with its unique disintegration properties, significantly reduces ricochet hazards, making it a safer choice for shooters and instructors alike. This characteristic is especially beneficial in ranges frequented by novice shooters or in situations where multiple shooters are firing simultaneously in close proximity.

Frangible ammo should also be used in close-quarters training environments, such as shoot houses or tactical training facilities. In these settings, the realistic simulation of urban and indoor combat scenarios is crucial. The use of frangible ammo ensures that training is not only effective but also maintains the highest safety standards. This ammo minimizes the risk of injury during intensive training sessions that involve dynamic movement and engagement with targets at varying angles and distances.

Additionally, frangible ammo is excellent for steel target shooting. When used in conjunction with steel targets, frangible ammo minimizes pitting and denting, preserving the quality and integrity of the targets. This is particularly important in competitive shooting environments and training facilities where target longevity and consistent response are crucial. The use of frangible ammo in these scenarios enhances the training experience by providing immediate and clear feedback on shooting accuracy, without the safety risks associated with standard ammunition.

In summary, the versatility of frangible ammo makes it an optimal choice for a wide array of shooting disciplines. Its adoption in training facilities, recreational ranges, and tactical environments underscores a commitment to safety, precision, and sustainability in shooting sports and law enforcement training.

Frangible Ammo: Precision, Safety, and Innovation with Action Target

What is a Shooting Range Wall Baffle?

What is a Wall Baffle?

At Action Target, we understand the vital components that create a safe and efficient shooting range environment. A wall baffle is a crucial element in this setup. A wall baffle is a specialized structure installed on shooting range walls designed to capture and redirect bullets, preventing them from traveling too far downrange. These baffles are typically made from ballistic-grade materials, ensuring they can withstand the impact of bullets while maintaining their structural integrity.

Why Are Wall Baffles Important?

Wall baffles play a pivotal role in ensuring the safety of everyone present at a shooting range. By capturing and redirecting bullets, they prevent stray shots, minimizing the risk of accidents and injuries. Additionally, wall baffles enhance acoustic performance by reducing noise levels, creating a more comfortable environment for shooters and instructors. This dual functionality—increased safety and reduced noise—makes wall baffles an indispensable feature in any shooting range design.

When Should I Use a Wall Baffle at My Shooting Range?

Wall baffles should be incorporated into every shooting range, regardless of its size or purpose. Whether you’re building a state-of-the-art law enforcement training facility or a community shooting range, wall baffles are essential. They are particularly crucial in indoor ranges, where confined spaces amplify the impact of noise and the potential dangers of stray bullets. By integrating wall baffles from the beginning, you ensure a secure environment, instilling confidence in your shooters and instructors.

Wall Baffles and Action Target

At Action Target, we take pride in our innovative approach to shooting range design and safety. Our wall baffles are meticulously engineered to meet the highest standards of quality and effectiveness. We leverage cutting-edge materials and advanced ballistic technology to create baffles that exceed industry norms. When you choose Action Target, you’re not just investing in products; you’re investing in a legacy of safety and precision. Our expertise in shooting range solutions ensures that your facility operates at its best, providing a secure and enjoyable experience for everyone involved.

When you partner with Action Target, you’re embracing a commitment to excellence. Our team of experts works closely with you, understanding your unique needs and crafting bespoke solutions. Whether you’re upgrading an existing range or building a new one, our wall baffles stand as a testament to our dedication to your safety and satisfaction.

Incorporate Top-Tier Wall Baffles

Incorporate our top-tier wall baffles into your shooting range, and experience the Action Target advantage—a blend of unmatched quality, innovation, and reliability. Your shooting range deserves nothing but the best, and with Action Target, that’s precisely what you get.

To learn more or for more information on Wall Baffles and everything else you need to build a shooting range, please fill out our Build Your Range form.

Mastering Shooting Range Safety: Understanding Wall Baffles with Action Target

What is a Shooting Range Stall?

What is a Shooting Range Stall?

Range stall refers to the designated area within a shooting range where shooters prepare their firearms, load ammunition, and make necessary adjustments before stepping onto the firing line. It acts as a controlled environment, ensuring safety protocols are followed and providing a secure space for shooters to handle their weapons before actively engaging targets.

Why is Range Stall Important?

Range stalls are pivotal for maintaining a safe and organized shooting range environment. By concentrating activities like firearm preparation, ammunition loading, and gear adjustments to a specific area, the risk of accidents and mishandling is significantly reduced. This segregation of tasks enhances safety for all individuals present at the shooting range.

When Should I Use a Range Stall at My Shooting Range?

Range stalls should be utilized at all times when shooters are present at the range. Whether you are a novice learning to handle a firearm or an experienced marksman fine-tuning your skills, the range stall is where you prepare, ensuring your firearm is in proper working condition and your ammunition is loaded correctly. This practice ensures that when you step onto the firing line, you can focus solely on your shooting skills and engage the targets safely and effectively.

Range Stalls and Action Target

At Action Target, safety and optimal shooting experiences are our top priorities. We incorporate state-of-the-art range stall designs in our shooting range solutions. Our range stalls are meticulously engineered, considering the needs of shooters and the requirements of range safety. By integrating well-defined range stalls into our designs, we create environments where shooters can confidently prepare for their sessions, knowing they are in a secure and controlled space.

In Summary

In summary, range stalls are indispensable components of any shooting range, providing a foundation for a safe, organized, and efficient shooting experience. By understanding their significance and following best practices, shooters contribute to an environment where everyone can focus on improving their skills while Action Target ensures that safety remains paramount in every shooting experience.

You’ll likely have a lot of questions as you explore building your shooting range. Feel free to fill out our Build Your Range form and one of our range development associates will be happy to help you out.

Demystifying Range Stall: A Comprehensive Guide by Action Target

Spokane County Sheriff’s New Indoor Shooting Range

In the realm of law enforcement training, the quality of facilities plays a pivotal role in ensuring officers are well-prepared for the challenges they face in the field. Recognizing this, Spokane County Sheriff’s Department has unveiled its brand-new indoor shooting range, setting a new benchmark for training excellence. This state-of-the-art facility, equipped with the latest technology from Action Target, underscores our unwavering commitment to providing law enforcement agencies with unparalleled training environments.

Key Features of the New Indoor Shooting Range:

  1. Single 50-meter Bay: This expansive bay offers ample space for various training scenarios, allowing officers to train in realistic conditions that mirror real-world situations.
  2. 21 Tactical Lanes: With a total of 21 tactical lanes, the range can accommodate multiple officers simultaneously, ensuring efficient and comprehensive training sessions.
  3. Vortex Bullet Trap with Conveyor: This advanced bullet trap system ensures maximum safety by effectively capturing and disposing of bullets. The integrated conveyor system streamlines the collection process, emphasizing our dedication to safety and efficiency.
  4. Pilot Retrievers: These state-of-the-art retrievers offer a seamless shooting experience. Officers can easily adjust target distances, facilitating varied training scenarios that cater to both rookies and seasoned professionals.
  5. Custom Barricades: Tailored to the specific needs of the Spokane County Sheriff’s Department, these custom barricades provide realistic cover and concealment scenarios, enhancing the tactical training experience.

Action Target’s Commitment to Excellence:

At Action Target, we believe that the men and women in blue deserve nothing but the best when it comes to training facilities. Our collaboration with the Spokane County Sheriff’s Department is a testament to this belief. By integrating cutting-edge technology and design into this new indoor shooting range, we aim to provide an environment where officers can hone their skills, ensuring they are better equipped to serve and protect their communities.

Our dedication to innovation, safety, and user experience is evident in every facet of this new facility. From the Vortex Bullet Trap to the Pilot Retrievers, every component has been meticulously chosen to offer the highest standards of training.

In Conclusion:

The new Spokane County Sheriff’s indoor shooting range is more than just a training facility; it’s a symbol of our commitment to law enforcement agencies across the nation. We are proud to have played a role in its creation and are confident that it will serve as a beacon of training excellence for years to come.

If you’re interested in learning how you and your agency can build a range like this, please fill out our Build Your Range Form. We look forward to hearing from you!

Spokane County Sheriff’s New Indoor Shooting Range

Copendero: A Landmark Project by Action Target

Welcome to a Modern Shooting Sanctuary

Step into Copendero and immerse yourself in 32,000 square feet of modern, meticulously designed space, conceptualized and brought to life by Action Target. This isn’t your typical shooting range; it’s a sprawling Texas retreat that offers a welcoming environment for families, friends, and colleagues to explore the joys of shooting and camaraderie​​.

Cutting-Edge Ranges Enhanced by Action Target’s Innovations

Central to the appeal of Copendero are the shooting ranges, crafted with precision and foresight. The facility features a 25-yard Shooting Range and a 25-yard Tactical Range, alongside the remarkable 100-yard fully indoor rifle range. Action Target’s vision shines here, providing an unparalleled shooting experience where shooters can engage in long-range target practice in an environment that epitomizes control and precision​​.

Genesis and Pilot Retrievers: The Pinnacle of Target Technology

What sets Copendero apart are the Action Target Genesis and Pilot target retrievers, elevating the range to the forefront of shooting technology. The Genesis retrievers are celebrated for their swift, cutting-edge operation, boasting features like integrated cameras, adaptive lighting, and interactive drills. They provide an engaging, efficient shooting experience, ensuring time at the range is spent perfecting your shot, not managing equipment​​.

The Pilot retrievers complement the Genesis systems, offering robust and intuitive use, ensuring that shooters of all skill levels can maximize their time at the range. The combination of Genesis and Pilot systems underscores Action Target’s commitment to innovation and superior range functionality.

Learn More About Target Retreivers

Air Quality and Comfort: Priorities at Copendero

Copendero’s dedication to shooter safety and comfort is exemplified by its top-tier air filtration system, featuring True HEPA technology to ensure the air remains clean and fresh. The climate-controlled ranges provide a comfortable shooting environment year-round, making every visit pleasant, no matter the season outside​​.

Beyond the Range: Dining, Shopping, and Archery

Dining at Holding’s Cafe offers a delightful break from shooting, with a menu that caters to a variety of tastes and the exclusive offering of Black Rifle Coffee Company coffee. This on-site cafe ensures that visitors can enjoy a delicious meal and exceptional coffee as part of their Copendero experience​​​​.

The experience is further enhanced by Copendero’s retail space, where shooters can find a selection of firearms, accessories, and apparel to complement their passion for shooting.

Additionally, the archery range provides a dedicated space for archery enthusiasts, offering classes for all levels, from those just starting out to precision shooters aiming to perfect their craft​​.

Lobby Attractions: Embracing the Texan Spirit

Upon entering, visitors are greeted by the unforgettable sight of two full-size alligator taxidermies in the lobby, an homage to Texas’s rich wildlife heritage and a unique touch that adds to Copendero’s charm. Check out this video from WatchTower Studio to see everything Copendero has to offer.

Conclusion: Experience the Best with Action Target

Action Target’s contributions to Copendero create more than just a range—they forge an immersive experience where technology, safety, and entertainment converge. We invite you to visit Copendero to witness firsthand the quality and care that Action Target invests in every project.

To learn more about how you can build an indoor shooting range like Copendero, feel free to fill out our Build Your Range Form and a range build consultant will be happy to get you started.

Bullet Catchers: Ensuring Safety and Sustainability with Action Target

What is a Bullet Catcher?

A bullet catcher, more commonly referred to as a bullet trap, is a specialized safety device designed to capture and contain bullets fired during shooting practice or testing. Installed in shooting ranges, ballistic testing facilities, and military training centers, bullet catchers are engineered to safely and effectively stop bullets, preventing them from exiting the designated shooting area. These devices are essential for maintaining a secure shooting environment and preventing stray bullets, ensuring the safety of shooters and bystanders.

Why is a Bullet Catcher Important?

The importance of a bullet catcher cannot be overstated. Safety is paramount in any shooting range, and a bullet catcher is instrumental in preventing bullets from ricocheting or traveling beyond the intended firing zone. By stopping bullets securely, these devices protect both shooters and the surrounding environment. Furthermore, bullet catchers aid in the collection and proper disposal of lead and other materials used in bullets, ensuring environmental sustainability and compliance with safety regulations.

When Should I Use a Bullet Catcher at My Shooting Range?

A bullet catcher should be a standard feature in every shooting range, regardless of its size or purpose. Whether you’re operating a professional law enforcement training facility, a military shooting range, or a recreational shooting range, implementing a bullet catcher is essential. Use a bullet catcher during all shooting activities, including training sessions, competitions, and recreational shooting. It is especially critical in indoor shooting ranges where the confined space requires extra safety measures to prevent bullet escape.

Bullet Catchers and Action Target

At Action Target, we prioritize safety, innovation, and environmental responsibility. Our cutting-edge bullet catchers are designed with precision and expertise, ensuring the utmost safety for shooters and bystanders. With Action Target’s bullet catchers, you can create a secure shooting environment, allowing participants to focus on their training and marksmanship skills. Our commitment to advancing shooting range technology is reflected in the superior performance and reliability of our bullet catchers, setting new standards for safety in shooting ranges worldwide.

Learn More About Bullet Traps

Bullet Catchers: Ensuring Safety and Sustainability with Action Target