Month: June 2013

Action Target More Than Doubles Its Arc-On Time through Use of Hypertherm’s TurboNest Software

Action Target is reporting less scrap and more arc-on time through the use of Hypertherm’s TurboNest software, part of the Hypertherm family of software products.hypertherm

Action Target is reporting less scrap and more arc-on time through the use of Hypertherm’s TurboNest software, part of the Hypertherm family of software products. In the past, the company manually nested its parts, as Tyler Haderlie, an associate process engineer explains. “We were nesting our products on the burn tables manually, which would take up to an hour between burns.”

The process was not only time consuming, but so inefficient it left the company with a lot of scrap metal. The company decided to use TurboNest so a computer could figure out the best way to nest its parts. This helped Action Target significantly reduce its steel consumption. In addition, Action Target was able to take advantage of the CAM software’s advanced editing features.

“Before we purchased TurboNest we were seeing average torch-on times in the low 30 percent range. Now…we are averaging in the low 70 percent range on both tables! Our capacity, on these two tables, is better than it has ever been,” Haderlie explains. “TurboNest was the easiest, and smartest, investment we have made for the burn tables.”


TurboNest nesting software provides mechanized cutting users with an efficient and intuitive solution for profiling operations. The full-featured intermediate level nesting software is configurable to meet business needs, and backed by high quality technical support. Benefits of the software include better productivity, improved part quality, and increased cost savings. TurboNest also features a straightforward user platform, thoughtful screen layout, and intuitive navigation.

TurboNest has been one of the industry’s leading intermediate nesting software products for a number of years, offering best-in-class performance and reliability with a straight-forward, easy-to-use design. TurboNest is also a component of Hypertherm’s Built for Business™ Integrated Cutting Solutions,. Learn more about TurboNest at



This press release has been republished with the permission of Hypertherm. For more information, please contact Michelle Avila at [email protected].

The Firearm Blog Reviews Nashville Armory

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Nashville Armory
Credit: The Firearm Blog

Writer Alex C. of The Firearm Blog, one of the most popular gun related blogs in the world, recently took an afternoon to check out Nashville Armory, Tennessee’s newest shooting range installment. Nashville Armory has only been open for a few short months but is already making a huge splash in the firearms community because of its friendly environment and unmatched range technology. The 15,000-square-foot facility boasts a huge inventory of guns, ammo, shooting accessories, and even a shooters’ lounge where customers can grab a snack and a drink. Besides the retail and amenities, however, Nashville Armory’s claim to fame is its advanced indoor shooting range. The indoor range features two 75-foot bays with eight lanes each, a Total Containment Trap from Action Target, bulletproof glass shooting stalls, wireless target retrievers from Mancom (a subsidiary of Action Target), and 75-cubic-feet a minute ventilation provided by Carey’s Small Arms Range Ventilation.

Here is an excerpt from Alex C.’s review:

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Range owner Gary Semanchik
Credit: The Firearm Blog

Over the course of my life, I have probably waddled into no fewer than twenty or so indoor gun ranges. I love a quick visit to an indoor range to test a few pistols, have a short bit of fun, and get out quickly because the facility is usually either too hot or cold (depending on time of year), filled with lead particles and spent powder in the air that seems to linger forever, or be so dark and dank that at longer ranges you can barely see the holes you punch in the target. I am proud to say that on the advice of a friend of mine I got to check out what I believe may well be the finest gun range I have ever set foot inside. On Monday, May 6th I hopped on a plane and flew from Dallas to Nashville to check out this facility that I had only seen a few photos of hoping that it would be all it was cracked up to be. Let me tell you that without a doubt, it was.

Gary is the owner of Nashville Armory, but you wouldn’t know it if you were an unassuming patron. You see, Gary says that he likes to meet all of his customers at the door with a smile taking to the Walmart-greeter method (his words, not mine), and immediately you feel welcome. This stands in contrast to some other gun shops/ranges where the staff makes you feel privileged for being allowed to patronize their establishment.

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Employees pose with their favorite guns
Credit: The Firearm Blog

Now what makes Nashville Armory different you might ask? Well, I asked the very same question to Gary and he said simply this: “I wanted to set out and build the Apple Store of gun ranges; A one stop shop for firearms, equipment, classes, and training that would be family friendly and inviting”. Now that is a bold statement, but Gary has made it work and after the tour it is easy to understand how.

Read the full review on The Firearm Blog.