MATCH™ (Modular Armored Tactical Combat House)
Action Target’s MATCH™ is a 360°, live-fire, ballistically safe, shoot house designed for teaching and learning close quarter skills, like room clearing and hallway navigation, with realism and safety.
By combining realistic walls, doors, rooms, and hallways into custom configurations, Action Target has created a realistic training environment that is critical to developing the confidence and conditioned responses needed for survival.
With armored steel walls, you can have total confidence that every round fired is being contained and safety is paramount in our construction and design. Action Target designs, constructs, and installs each MATCH™ unit themselves to ensure maximum safety and durability.
In order to provide better training, a shoot house needs to provide multiple options for entering and exiting, as well as reconfigurable layouts. MATCH™ utilizes sliding ballistic panels that accomplish this perfectly. The MATCH™ panels are attached to support rails that make these panels easy to slide into the desired position and maintain the same 100% ballistic environment as the rest of the building. These panels are available as doors and windows. Rooms can be closed off, hallways expanded, and blind alcoves created. This reconfiguration virtually increases the size of a shoot house and greatly increases training potential.

Live-fire shoot house with handgun, shotgun, and rifle rated options.MODULAR
Utilizes interchangeable parts and numerous training accessories.CONNECTED
Integrates with central range control software for advanced features and functionality.CLEAN AND SAFE
Splatter containing walls, zero SDZ design, and ventilation provide a safe training environment.
- Realistic Room Shapes: MATCH utilizes 6 and 9 inch thick wall panels that mimic realistic environments and can be assembled in nearly any configuration. This allows flexible room sizes and number as well as different room types.
- Various Room Entries: Available short wall right, short wall left, and center entry configurations enhance entry training.
- Multiple Levels: MATCH can be configured with up to three levels. This gives training facilities the ability to replicate sniper shots, stairway clearance, and balcony.
- Reconfigurable Rooms: MATCH uses sliding ballistic panels to allow trainers to change the room configuration and paths through the house quickly and easily while maintaining zero SDZ. Available in window and wall options.
- Shoot house villages (MOUT): Sometimes one MATCH is not enough. In these cases it takes a village. Shoot house villages allow for more advanced training scenarios and simultaneous urban training.
- Splatter Containment: MATCH wall panels use a specially engineered method to capture rounds and completely contain splatter, protecting shooters, trainers, and observers from injury. Surfaces can be painted to indicate no shoot zones or to replicate real indoor surfaces.
- Zero SDZ and VDZ Layouts: MATCH provides a viable training environment with a zero Surface Danger Zone (SDZ) both inside and outside the structure. This is contained through ballistic wall panels and bullet-trapping fascia. MATCH walls are engineered to easily accept a ballistic roof system to create a zero Vertical Danger Zone (VDZ).
Tactical Breach Door: The Tactical Breach Door is the ultimate mode of entry training tool. It’s advanced design is ideal for every type of forced entry training. The door is available in both left and right hinge options.
Roof Breach / Rappelling: Installing a ballistic roof breach door into a MATCH safety ceiling allows entry from the roof.
Wall Breach: An available wall breach panel allows training for standard cutting and explosive breach training through a wall. Wall breach panels can also be installed on interior walls to create hiding spaces.
Tunnels: Custom built underground tunnels can connect rooms within a MATCH shoot house or connect multiple houses within a village.
Ventilation Duct: Custom ventilation ducts with removable fans can be installed for enhanced entry and extraction training techniques.
- Camera Systems: Closed circuit cameras allow for remote observation and evaluation. Cameras are contained in a protective housing.
- Audio Systems: PA and other audio systems help trainers communicate with trainees as well as give them the ability to pipe sound effects into the house, enhancing the reality of the training.
- Video Recording: Various recording devices can be added to the system to provide trainers the ability to review training scenarios with the trainee.
- Monitoring: Display monitors are available in all sizes and aspect formats. Integrated with the Action Target SmartRange™ system allows trainers to observe multiple rooms at the same time or switch between cameras.
Catwalks: Catwalks span across the top of a single story shoot house to give visual access to all rooms of the facility so controllers can provide instant feedback and instruction to trainees below.
Ventilation: Keeping a facility clear from lead dust and other airborne materials is an essential part of creating a safe atmosphere for shooters and trainers alike. Action Target provides the best solutions for properly ventilating a shoot house. Various options are available to fit the needs of each house configuration.
Lighting: Lighting can have a dramatic impact on a MATCH™ facility. From low-light, to bright-light training and everything in between, lights are essential to recreating real-world scenarios. Action Target offers a number of options to fit the specific needs of each agency.
Rapid Armor Panel: The Rapid Armor Panel is a bolt-on accessory that extends the life of steel panels as they wear over time. This after market product is simple to install and significantly reduces the through-life cost of the shoot house.